Platinum Infusion Specialists LLC
Business Type
Medical Home Infusion Experts
Project type
Logo design
Project year


"Platinum is top tier, the best, highest standard of nursing infusion services. The logo needs to convey this.  It means uncompromising,  patient-centered care"

I challenged the entire brandforce team to work together through the weekend to strategize, design, and deliver our best work ever to Bill and Maria at Platinum Infusion Specialists...

Here are the results:

"The Drip"

We'll lend a hand...

Our first concept features a droplet of IV fluid - the very CORE of what P-I-S will be providing their clients. When you strip away all of the hard work provided by Platinum to deliver the infusion to the patient, this design represents the final product they will be receiving. The left side of the droplet extends into a caring hand at its base - representing the outstanding service provided to deliver the droplet to each and every patient of Platinum Infusion Specialists'.

"Home Base"

The Comforting Hug...

Infusions can be scary for many patients. This design is meant to display a sense of comfort, with the soft-rounded edges of an infusion line wrapped into the shape of a home.  The shield-shaped negative space at the center of the home represent's an infusion bag with fill lines, containing fluid with a soft-rounded top to further enhance the comforting essence of the design. The expert nurses and in-home care that platinum provides allows patients to have a professional infusion experience in the comfort of their own home.

"In-House Fluids"

Your home, our infusion bag...

Extrapolating off of the Home-Base concept, we created an alternative design to boldly represent an infusion bag in a house. The fluid and cross further depict the business as a patient-focused nursing infusion company.

Below, you will find mockups and color variations. Keep in mind, we're happy to play around with different colors, fonts and layouts to come to the perfect logo design conclusion to represent Platinum.

"The Drip"

Platinum Infusion Mockup

"Home Base"

"In-House Fluids"


Revision requests:
1) Do something to make the hand more apparent (try more realistic or make platinum)
2) Remove LLC (will be transitioning to an S-corp)
3) Add a wordmark on letter "A"
4) make tagline "The Home Infusion Experts" solid black